The first step is downloading FixtureTester in the iOS App Store (Click here for a direct link). When the app is installed, you need to install and configure your Ethernet Node to output the desired sACN or Art-Net universes. I strongly recommend the dmXLAN Nodes from ELC lighting, since FixtureTester is fully integrated with those. A nice entry level node is the dmXLAN Buddy, which has 2 DMX ports and supports all the merges, softpatch and even RDM. That said, testing with FixtureTester does work with all Ethernet Nodes which are capable of sending sACN or Art-Net.
Lets say you want to test fixtures which are patched to sACN universe 1, then you need to configure the DMX port, to which the fixtures are connected, to output sACN universe 1.
The next step is to connect your WiFi Access Point to the ethernet port of your node. If you are using a WiFi router (which often has more then one ethernet port), make sure you don’t plug it in the WAN port. Instead use a LAN port (First image). When using an Apple Airport, make sure the Network is in Bridge Mode (Second image). Please write down the IP address of the WiFi Access Point. It does not really matter what it is, but iOS will connect much faster if you filled in this IP address in the IP settings.
Then connect your iOS device to the WiFi network of your WiFi Access Point. To be able to program the Nodes, make sure your iOS device has an IP address in the same range as the Nodes. Usually the IP is 2.x.x.x (x representing a number between 1 and 254) and the Subnet Mask is To configure a static IP address on your iOS device, go to Settings->WiFi. Tap on the i-button on the right side of the active wireless network. Default, the ‘DHCP’ tab is selected. Change this to ‘Static’ (Third image). For the IP address, fill in an IP address which is almost similar to the IP address of the Node. Lets say the Node has ‘’, the you can fill in ‘’ for instance. For the Subnet Mask fill in ‘’. For the fastest connection, fill in the IP address of the WiFi Access Point at Router and DNS field. At the Seach Domains field, you can fill in anything, but don’t leave it empty. Filling in an ‘a’ is already sufficient. Save these settings by tapping on the ‘Wi-Fi’ text in the navigation bar on the top left. After a couple of seconds, you will see the WiFi reception bars appear on top of the iOS device. If not, you are not connected to the WiFi and FixtureTester will not work (Fourth image). If you see the reception bars, you are ready to go!